What is the true MARK of a devoted church?  When Christ left this earth and went back to Heaven, the responsibility of building upon the Rock of Jesus Christ was solely up to us (the CHURCH).  So how do we become a church that is building upon the Rock of Jesus Christ?
First, we have to examine ourselves according to Act 2:42-47 – The believers of Christ devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.  They were devoted to one another, they met daily with one another and they shared a meal with each other on a regular basis with glad and sincere hearts and they praised God and had favor with all the people. 
Now the Bible didn’t say they devoted themselves only on Sundays when they came to church but daily and in their homes as well.   Do you devote yourself to the teaching of God’s Word? I am not just talking about on Sunday mornings worship service only but how about our Connection time on Sunday morning before service where we study God’s word and share lives together as well as Sunday evening prayer gathering.  We cannot leave out our daily, personal time with God and last but surely not least Wednesday Bible study.  These are great opportunities to devote ourselves to the teaching of God’s Word. 
How do we spend our time outside of the church? Or do we just see and visit one another only on Sundays? Do you devote time with other brothers and sisters in Christ during the week?
The true MARK of a devoted church is how we spend our time with each other outside of the church.  We can’t expect true fellowship to occur during Sunday morning service; it has to also happen on a daily basis.   Do we devote ourselves as a church to lift each other up in prayer on a daily basis? Are we available on Wednesday evening to participate and study God’s word together? 
When the followers of Christ devoted themselves to His Word, His people and their needs, the Bible says that Jesus added to their numbers daily.  Church is NOT just about numbers but when the Church is devoted to Jesus, He can’t help but add to our numbers on a daily basis.  So once again I ask…. Do we bare the MARK of a Church devoted to Jesus?
Devoted Follower of CHRIST,
Pastor James















Published: April 1, 2015